Friday, September 10, 2010

A blogger on vacation????

The wedding of the century is approaching and count down mode commences.  I am more than likely going to be MIA from the AO (Missing in Action from the Area of Operation for those of you not in the military know).

I will miss writing and sharing my life with everyone.  We have so many people coming in and out and so many activites staring tomorrow, I am at a loss to figure out when I will have any time for sharing.

Check back every once in a moon over the next week, but be certain, once September 20th arrives, I will be back with a vengance.  My 40th is next month and I have so much to share about aging, wrinkles and fat.



Anonymous said...

this makes me very sad.. no blogging for a week. but, since I
know you will be back with even more tales, I will patiently wait.
Good luck with all of the activities and all of the people. can't wait to hear all of the news.

Anonymous said...

40th??? Why did I think you were in your early to mid 30's and ages younger than me? JD

Anonymous said...

Well, the OPA definitely needs some Lilly time. I heard he burst into tears. I can tell anyone for a fact, the sea Lions, the bookstore, Safeway for a donut, not to mention the merry go round miss the Lilly. Help.