I spent all Tuesday and half of Wednesday in bed with some sort of stomach bug. I was down for the count at noon on Tuesday and bounced up around noon on Wednesday like nothing happened. Crazy times, a true 24 hour bug. It was awful, but I lost four pounds and that was good but not healthy. However, considering how much I complain about the ten pounds I gained since December, four pounds is good. I certainly wouldn't want to lose another four pounds that way, but four pounds is more than no pounds!
Jeff left late last night for a four day music festival in the mountains. Once he got there, he slept in the back of the car from 1am until 6:30am and then, the stomach bug hit. Last I heard from him he had his tent set up and was attempting to power through to enjoy the day. I have been known to suffer greatly at the drop of a hat, and Jeff suffers never so I hope he is completely fine and no word from him means he is having a great time. Either way, he will be golden in the morning. Poor guy!
Our week continued on, sickness or no sickness, and Lilly was person of the week at her preschool. This means she is first in line for everything and we made a huge poster to hang in the classroom which shows her life in pictures. The high light of the week is getting to take Sawyer, the stuffed bear home and include him in all the family adventures. I must say Sawyer had quite the week with us. He spent many hours with Opa and Lilly and really, who doesn't have the time of his life when with Opa?
Please notice most stops include a snack.
James and I spent today at the pool.
And yes, Speedo, again!
Then he decided to show his love of swimming...
...With a little interpretive dance.
We ended the day with Korean and Opa...
Rice &Tofu, IN YOUR FACE...
Or James' face really...
Also, I do believe this is proof...
...that I watch the Golden Girls way too much!
Update: For those keeping up with Katie Granju and her struggle with grieving after the tragic loss of her son a month ago, there is good news. She welcomed her brand new baby girl, Georgia into this world! There is a bright light in her sadness and we can only pray that this gift continues to heal her and her family.

great blog..lots of pictures which I love. Amazing that we all live in such a beautiful place and have access to world famous sights such as the Wharf. James' dance must be a tribute to the sun God who gave us all such a wonderful sunny day in which to warm up and swim.
The video is amazing! The Golden Girls would be proud!
There are videos and then there are videos. This is one of the "ones." Like most men, James, we only get to chime in on occasion.
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